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Lista de problemas
• Facial midline was not straight, the mental region was right shift for 10cm, and the lower 1/3 of the face was long. • Severe crowding of maxillary and mandibular teeth. • Demineralization of 12, 13, 22 and 23. • Caries of 16, 26 and 36, scissors-bite of 17 and 47. • Gingivitis. • Nonfunctional jaw.
Objetivo del tratamiento
• Align maxillary and mandibular teeth. • Improve overbite and overjet and the midline of anterior teeth. • Correct scissors-bite of 17 and 47. • Class I canine teeth relationship. • Class I molar relationship.
Plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia
• Four first premolars were extracted. • Enhanced anchorase for maxilla and mandible. • Smartee Clear Aligner.
Comparación antes y después de la corrección
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
انحراف الفك السفلي
Situación básica
Producto:Smartee Clear Aligner
التشخيص:زاوية من الدرجة الأولى
الطبيب:بنغ وينبو
1. High angle mandibular deviation, accompanied with right posterior scissors-bite. The patient was not willing to straighten the jaw, so control over the vertical direction was designed. 2. Four first premolars were extracted, with enhanced anchorase for posterior teeth. 3. First, TPA was used to correct the right scissors-bite, which took half a year. 4. Intruded posterior teeth, and increased positive torque of anterior teeth in design of invisible orthodontic treatment. 5. 2 anchorage nails were implanted at zygomatic alveolar ridge for high traction. The sagittal and vertical direction were controlled based on the principle of biomechanics. 6. Wore 40 sets of clear aligners. It took one year to enter the retention stage, and 1.5 years of total course of treatment. Stable joints, healthy dental periphery and opened airway were obtained after operation.
Pasos y ciclo del tratamiento de ortodoncia
الفك العلوي:40 + 45 مجموعة
الفك السفلي :45 + 40 مجموعة
فترة العلاج:22 شهر