Lista de problemas

Maxillary protrusion, deep bite and overjet of anterior teeth, crowding of upper dental arch, missing of 32 and 42, mesial molar relationship in right, deviation of midline of lower anterior teeth to left by 1.5mm.

Objetivo del tratamiento

Align upper and lower teeth, improve overbite and overjet of anterior teeth, retract anterior teeth, adjust midline of anterior teeth, improve facial shape and occlusion relationship.

Plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia

• Invisible orthodontic treatment without brackets.
• Extract 14 and 24, perform IPR on some mandibular teeth, eliminate crowding of anterior teeth, retract anterior teeth, adjust midline of anterior teeth, and improve overbite and overjet.
• Key points: For the patient’s mesial molar relationship in right, pay attention to movement of Molar 16 during treatment, adjust to midline.

Comparación antes y después de la corrección

Antes de la corrección

Después de corregir

Antes de la corrección

Después de corregir


Situación básica

Producto:Smartee Clear Aligner

التشخيص:زاوية من الدرجة الثالثة

الطبيب:هوانغ دونغ

After the patient had received invisible orthodontic treatment without brackets for nearly two years, I found that the clear aligner without brackets had certain effects on and improved deep bite and overjet of anterior teeth and molar moving forward. There are more options for the dentist as to this kind of case.
Pasos y ciclo del tratamiento de ortodoncia

الفك العلوي:56 مجموعة

الفك السفلي :22 مجموعة

فترة العلاج:23 شهر