Location:Home> الحالات> العضة المتصالبة الأمامية
Lista de problemas
•Ⅰº crowding of upper teeth, 1mm space between lower teeth. • Anterior crossbite. • Labial inclination of upper and lower anterior teeth. • Molar full Class III relationship in right, Class I molar relationship or mesial molar relationship in left. • A mandibular central incisor was missing congenitally.
Objetivo del tratamiento
• Correct anterior crossbite, and align upper and lower teeth. • Adjust molar relationship, and the torque of upper and lower anterior teeth.
Plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia
• Extract mandibular wisdom tooth, perform IPR to align teeth and correct crossbite. • Use implant anchorage for intermaxillary traction during treatment. • Retention after fine occlusal adjustment.
Comparación antes y después de la corrección
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
العضة المتقاطعة الأمامية
Situación básica
Producto:Smartee Clear Aligner
التشخيص:الصنف الثالث
الطبيب:أوي ليان
1. With a strong desire for invisible orthodontic treatment, the patient worked well with the orthodontist during the orthodontic treatment process, achieving good results. 2. Two mandibular wisdom teeth were extracted before orthodontic treatment. Implant anchorage was used for intermaxillary traction during treatment. IPR was performed for lower anterior teeth after treatment, to remove black triangles, making occlusion more stable and the facial shape more coordinated.
Pasos y ciclo del tratamiento de ortodoncia
الفك العلوي:23 مجموعة
الفك السفلي :15 مجموعة
فترة العلاج:12 شهر