Lista de problemas
• Deep bite. • Deep overjet. • Teeth misalignment.
Objetivo del tratamiento
• Maintain the original occlusion relationship. • Correct deep bite. • Improve deep overjet. • Align the teeth.
Plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia
• Wore bite plate for 3 months in early days (the bite plate must be worn when eating). Open the bite, then conduct invisible orthodontic treatment. • Crowding of maxillary teeth, accompanied with space. As the dental crowding was greater than the space, if the crowding could not be eliminated with the original space during treatment, slight IPR shall be performed to align maxillary anterior teeth. • Crowding of mandibular teeth. IPR was performed to align the mandibular anterior teeth. • Improve overbite and overjet of anterior teeth, coordinate lower midline with upper. • Molar and occlusion relationship remain unchanged.
Comparación antes y después de la corrección
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
العضة العميقة
Situación básica
Producto:Smartee Clear Aligner
التشخيص:زاوية من الدرجة الاولى
الطبيب:سونغ يانغ
1. Redesigned the attachment position to improve the pressure point during treatment. 2.Bite plate was used for bite opening. On the basis of maintaining proper occlusion, it took less time to eliminate crowding via mandibular labial inclination, and the amount of IPR was reduced. 3.This was my early case. Now, the bite plate attachment launched by Smartee can also achieve the same effects but ease the patient’s pain.
Pasos y ciclo del tratamiento de ortodoncia
الفك العلوي:15+12+7 مجموعة
الفك السفلي :19+12+7 مجموعة
فترة العلاج:19 شهر