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Lista de problemas
• Crowding of anterior teeth. • Labial inclination of upper and lower anterior teeth. • Eruption of 18, 28 and 38, anteversion and impaction of 48.
Objetivo del tratamiento
• Align maxillary and mandibular teeth. • Align the midline of upper and lower anterior teeth. • Improve the molar relationship. • Skeletal pattern, soft tissue and facial shape basically remain unchanged.
Plan de tratamiento de ortodoncia
• Smartee non-extraction invisible orthodontic treatment without brackets. • Reduce labial inclination, eliminate crowding of upper and lower anterior teeth. • Improve the molar relationship. • Retention.
Comparación antes y después de la corrección
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
Antes de la corrección
Después de corregir
الازدحام الشديد
Situación básica
Producto:Smartee Clear Aligner
التشخيص:زاوية من الدرجة الثالثة
الطبيب:أوي ليان
1.The first task for the patient to be satisfied with the effect of invisible orthodontic treatment is making a clear diagnosis. The teeth, maxilla and mandible, and their spatial location must be clear. 2. Reasonable orthodontic treatment design, good compliance of the patient, strict control over IPR and proper design in time interval of occlusal adjustment ensure smooth process of orthodontic treatment. 3. Examination of clinical TMJ and jaw position before and after treatment is the key to stable results.
Pasos y ciclo del tratamiento de ortodoncia
الفك العلوي:25 مجموعة
الفك السفلي :27 مجموعة
فترة العلاج:13 شهر